Lost Cross of Jesus Found—4 steps on the Tree of Life !
For thousands of years the lost Cross of Jesus has remained hidden until this revelation of Genesis— Creation-based Bible Interpretation (CBBI).
Cross of Jesus—plain teaching: Jesus taught Nicodemus four steps around the Cross of Jesus are necessary for eternal life. One must be (1) born of the flesh, (2) born of water, and (3) born of the Spirit to then (4) enter into the kingdom of God as the fourth step for eternal life. (John 3:5-6)

Jesus prayed to four attributes of God of the Cross with the Lord's Prayer—For thine is the (1) kingdom, and the (2) power, and the (3) glory, (4) forever. (Mat 6:13)
Cross of Jesus—more than a Trinity: Jesus taught his disciples four steps on the Cross of Jesus with his instruction to baptize (1) all the nations from the foot of the cross into the name of the (2) Father and of the (3) Son and of the (4) Holy Spirit (Mat 28:19).
Expansion of a three-name Trinity-god on the top of the cross to the complete four-attribute God of the Cross should make anyone comfortable on the foot of the cross as part of the Cross of Jesus, since Jesus taught many times that one must pick up and bear his OWN cross in order to follow Jesus for eternal life.(Luke 14:27)
Cross of Jesus—fiqurative teaching: Jesus taught four levels of understanding in the parable of the sower, where only understanding of the fourth level completes the Cross of Jesus for good foundational soil suitable for growth of the spirit and eternal life.(Luke 8:5-8)
Jesus taught four days before raising Lazarus from death on the fourth day like fourth step on the cross for eternal life.(John 11:17,39, 40)
The Cross of Jesus appears when Jesus taught four months until the fourth step eternal-life harvest as written in (John 4:35).
Jesus taught the Cross of Jesus with the four-step parable of the three-year-old fig tree cut down on the fourth fruitless year. (Luke 13:1-16)
Believe the Cross of Jesus shown to us: Jesus spent three years teaching the cross of Jesus until the fourth step—ascension to God after picking up and bearing his OWN cross before crucifixion. Although Jesus always said he who has ears better listen, he never said, “Do you see what I mean,” until he died stretched four ways nailed onto the Cross of Jesus to show the world God of the Cross.
Jesus’ four-step promise of eternal life on the Cross of Jesus is available to all who have found the true God of the Cross explained in this book: "The Lausanne Covenant Hypocrisy".
* See how 114 pictures of the Cross visually teach the Cross of Jesus.
* See how numbers in the Bible and numbers of science confirm the Cross of Jesus 200 times
* See how 55 scripture quotations in "The Lausanne Covenant" teach the Cross of Jesus.
Learn more. The lost Cross of Jesus is found….....HERE